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10 Signs Your Crush Really Likes You

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Falling in love is wonderful, but it can be really stressful when you're constantly wondering whether or not your crush has feelings for you, too. The good news is body language doesn't lie, and it can show you exactly how somebody feels about you. We’ve put together a list of nonverbal signs of attraction backed by science.
If someone likes you, they’ll sort of “mirror” you. All you have to do is carefully observe your crush’s gestures, facial expressions, and poses during your conversation. A person who’s smitten always feels the urge for physical contact with the one they desire. If your crush is a bit more confident, they might even “accidentally” touch your arm, wrist or shoulder during your conversation.
Whenever you’re talking to your crush and you see their eyes glancing down at your lips from time to time, then congratulations! This person feels the same way about you as you do them. Keeping their eyes locked on yours is another obvious sign that this person is highly interested in you and what you're talking about.
Studies confirm that your heart rate actually does increase when you're next to someone you like. This happens due to a rush of adrenaline.
Research shows that if you're attracted to somebody, your voice instinctually changes a little bit in your crush's presence. Men subconsciously deepen their voice to seem more masculine and dominant. Women’s voices soften to sound more caring and understanding.
In an interesting study, psychologists found that if a man or woman is attracted to somebody, he or she will subconsciously try to match their love interest’s walking pace.
Music: Lonesome_Avenue
Mirroring 0:39
Random touching 1:18
Getting close 1:56
Looking at your lips 2:35
Maintaining eye contact 3:13
Paying attention 3:52
Sweaty palms 4:29
Removing barriers 5:05
Changes in their voice 5:40
Changes in their walking pace 6:13
-If your crush is facing you with their entire body, mimicking your vocal pattern and body language with a slight delay, and even using the same words or expressions as you, the case is clear.
-If a guy or girl finds any excuse to touch you, they probably have a thing for you.
-If you notice that your crush usually tries to get closer to you and narrow the distance between you, that's a wonderful sign that they’re into you too.
-Whenever you’re talking to your crush and you see their eyes glancing down at your lips from time to time – congratulations, it’s a sign there's definitely something there.
-When you're really crazy about someone, you want to gaze into their eyes as much as possible.
-If your crush always remembers little things you said or notices minor changes in your appearance, he probably has feelings for you.
-Studies confirm that your heart rate actually does increase when you're next to someone you like. It’s also accompanied by other crystal-clear signs of arousal, and sweatiness is one of them.
-When somebody likes you, they try to remove any obstacles to feel a little bit closer to you.
-If you're attracted to somebody, your voice instinctually changes a little bit in your crush's presence.
-If a man or woman is attracted to somebody, he or she will subconsciously try to match their love interest’s walking pace.
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