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These logic puzzles with make your brain sweat! Are you brave enough to face and solve them? To solve them easily you must be very attentive and have a cold mind! You're welcome to share your thoughts on these tricky puzzles :) Write in the comments how many of answers you got right ;)

00:14 - Sam woke up in a room with 3 doors. He looked behind each of them and saw that all the ways were unsafe. Which door should he choose?
01:38 - How did Gail survive? It's a really tricky riddle that will test your logical thinking!
02:43 - Hey, adventurer, you're in for it this time! It seems no one can help you now, the only slight chance you will get out of here is choosing the right door. But this is a tricky task; if you fail, you will be killed anyway. So think carefully before you open the door! A hard survival riddle with answers for the most experienced adventurers
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