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What Ghosting Is And Why It Hurts So Much

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Have you ever been in a situation where someone you’re dating or one of your closest friends suddenly cuts all communications with you without any explanation? Your phone calls were blocked. Your private messages were seen-zoned. Your emails were never answered. Why did they do that to you? We're about to tell if you what the signs that someone is ghosting you are.
You’re always initiating conversation with them 1:49
They cut your meetings short 2:20
They’re always busy 2:55
Their replies are short and simple 3:30
You feel it in your gut 4:04
Why do people do that? 5:13
Who are the possible suspects of ghosting? 6:10
What’s the damage of ghosting? 7:35
- Communication is a 2-way street, but that’s never been the case between the 2 of you. What’s worse is that they never reply.
- Time is irrelevant when you really want to be with someone. In fact, you never notice how time flies or how late it is because you just want to hang out with them a little longer.
- “I’m busy!” is the most famous line of a ghoster. Sure, they have their own lives too. Maybe their hands are full because of study or work.
- They’re still replying to your texts or chats? Good for you! But when was the last time you had a long, memorable conversation with this person?
- You noticed a pattern to their odd behavior toward you before, but you shrugged it off. Or perhaps you’re in denial. But you can no longer ignore your gut feeling.
- The painful thing is — and please excuse our language here — they don’t give a damn. Do they care how the ghostee feels? Unfortunately, we’ll never know because they disappeared without a trace.
- The psychology of ghosting is difficult to comprehend, especially to its victims, because there is no formal closure. To put it bluntly, ghosting sucks. It sucks your self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-worth.
- According to mental health professionals, ghosting is the worst version of the silent treatment and a form of emotional cruelty. Social rejection and physical pain have the same neural pathways.
- Moreover, ghosting doesn’t give you a chance to react or adjust. You’re clueless as to what really happened. The act of “now you see me, now you don’t” is not impressive — it is downright frustrating.
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