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This Is The Secret History Of The Devil

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The Devil seems like an easy concept to grasp: he's the opposite of God, right? God represents the good and just, while the Devil represents the opposite. It certainly seems like it would be a core aspect of the biblical stories going back to the very beginning of the Old Testament, but in fact, the Devil didn't exist for the early Jewish people. The Devil doesn't pop up until the New Testament, and much of what we'd consider common knowledge about the figure is a confusing mish mash of folklore, misattribution, and outright fiction. This is the secret history of the Devil.

#Devil #History #Religion

No Devil in the Old Testament | 0:00
The first Satan | 1:14
Pagan influences | 2:14
Lucifer becoming the Devil | 3:19
The colors of the rainbow | 4:12
A thorny theological problem | 5:06
Protestant influence | 6:08
Devil worship | 7:03
Political tool | 8:04
Modern changes | 9:08

Read Full Article: https://www.grunge.com/464309/the-secret-history-of-the-devil/
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