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These Have To Be The Worst Things Joe Biden Has Ever Said

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Cursing at voters, a clumsy shout-out to a dead person, and TMI as VP. Joe Biden has said many weird things in 2024, but his history of awkward statements goes back a lot further.

#JoeBiden #Biden #Pandemic

Humiliated college student | 0:00
Questioned blackness of Black Trump voters | 1:16
Cursing at reporter | 1:49
Called Satchel Paige 'great Negro' | 2:34
Racial insensitivity at town hall | 3:23
Offensive comments about Obama | 3:50
Insensitive remarks about Indian-Americans | 4:38
Said pandemic was over | 5:18
Big introduction fail | 6:11
Shout-out to deceased lawmaker | 6:46
Cursing at voter | 7:33
Way too much information | 8:23

Voiceover by: Tim Bensch

Read Full Article: https://bit.ly/4eKt753
grunge, joe biden, biden
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