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The Last Train

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'The Last Train' is an animated short movie that was made as part of The Animation Hub, a collaboration between staff and students of the Irish School of Animation (ISA) at Ballyfermot College of Further Education (BCFE), staff and students of Trinity College’s Graphics, Vision and Visualisation Group (GV2) and the recently established animation studio Giant Creative (www.giant.ie), set up by BCFE graduates.

The Animation Hub, which received support from the Irish Film Board and Science Foundation Ireland, ran for 3 months over the summer in 2011 and involved Giant Creative working with animation and computer science students to create a one minute animated short fusing motion capture techniques with naturalistic 3D character animation.

Directed by Giant Creative (www.giant.ie)

Trinity College Project Manager Carol O Sullivan (http://www.tcd.ie/)

Ballyfermot College Project Manager Gareth Lee (http://www.isa-bcfe.ie/)

Technical Consultant Shane Whelan

Music by Epic Soul Factory

BCFE Students Mark Fisher Owen Maloney

TCD Students Kenneth Ryall Amy Davidson
animation, 3d, giant creative, trinity, college, ballyfermot, motion capture, TCD, BCFE, ISA
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