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Respected Olympians Who Were Actually Terrible People

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Olympic athletes are usually expected to be the best of the best, not just in their athletic exploits, but also as people in general. As representatives of their nations, Olympians are typically lauded not just as individuals, but as patriotic symbols — examples to look up to, doing their whole countries proud.

That's the ideal, anyway. In reality, people aren't perfect, and sometimes the athletes who represent their countries at the Olympics turn out to be pretty bad people.

From Oscar Pistorius to Scott Miller to Félix Verdejo Sánchez and Luka Klasinc, these are the Olympic athletes who hurt people, killed people, defrauded governments, and ran mini-drug empires. These are respected Olympians who were actually terrible people.

#Olympics #Olympians #Athletes

Félix Verdejo Sánchez | 0:00
Scott Miller | 1:16
Klete Keller | 2:13
Oscar Pistorius | 3:21
Luka Klasinc | 4:42
Sushil Kumar | 5:37
Nathan Baggaley | 6:36
David Jenkins | 7:51
Lance Armstrong | 8:54

Read Full Article: https://www.grunge.com/464431/respected-olympians-who-were-actually-terrible-people/
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