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Nations and Nationalities Country names and Country Adjectives in English! / 国と国籍 英語の国名と国の形容詞!

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I am from Canada, I am Canadian. I like to drink Colombian coffee from Colombia and eat Belgian chocolates from Belgium. My husband is from Japan, he’s Japanese. In today’s English lesson you will learn the names of some common countries in English as well as the right adjective for several countries. Being able to correctly pronounce the names of nations and nationalities in English will help you to sound more like a native English speaker and improve your English communication skills.

In this English lesson there are six types of adjective endings for countries that you will learn along with many examples of both country names and their adjectives in English. The following are the categories of nations and nationalities included in this lesson:
1. -ian ending adjectives for countries: Canada - Canadian, Australia - Australia, Egypt - Egyptian, Brazil - Brazilian, India - Indian, Russia - Russian, Iran - Iranian or Persian, Italy - Italian, Hungary - Hungarian, Belgium - Belgian.
2. -an ending adjectives for countries: Korea - Korean, Cuba - Cuban, Germany - German, Venezuela - Venezuelan.
3. -sh ending adjectives for countries: England - English, Britain - British, Scotland - Scottish, Ireland - Irish, Wales - Welsh, Spain - Spanish, Poland - Polish, Turkey - Turkish, Sweden - Swedish.
4. - ese ending adjectives for counties: Japan - Japanese, Vietnam - Vietnamese, Taiwan - Taiwanese, China - Chinese, Portugal - Portuguese, Malta - Maltese, Lebanon - Lebanese.
5. -i ending adjectives for countries: Thailand - Thai, Israel - Israeli, Pakistan - Pakistani, Iraq - Iraqi, Saudi Arabia - Saudi, The United Arab Emirates (UAE) - Emirati.
6. Other country adjectives: France - French, Greece - Greek, Iceland - Icelandic, Switzerland - Swiss, Netherlands or Holland - Dutch.

* Note: Remember that country names are proper nouns. The name of every country and country adjectives are always capitalized when writing.

By the end of today’s English lesson you will have increased your English fluency by learning the names of countries in English as well as Using the adjectives as taught in this lesson and pronouncing country names correctly will help you to sound more like a native English speaker. Thank you for watching, “Nations and Nationalities: Country names and Country Adjectives in English!” I hope this vocabulary lesson will be useful for you as you improve your English while talking about countries and describing things from those countries correctly. Good luck with your English studies!

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Learn about -ED ending adjectives vs -ING ending adjectives in this lesson here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxrRMrx7giQ

For a lesson about adjectives and adverbs watch this lesson on Good VS Well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amPDs8EaJ-c



1.  -ian ending adjectives for countries: カナダ- Canadian, オーストラリア- Australian,エジプト- Egyptian, ブラジル-Brazilian, インド - Indian,  ロシア- Russian,  イラン- Iranian or Persian,  イタリア- Italian, ハンガリー- Hungarian, ベルギー- Belgian.
2.  -an ending adjectives for countries: 韓国- Korean, キューバ- Cuban, ドイツ- German, ベネズエラ- Venezuelan.
3.  -sh ending adjectives for countries: イングランド-English,  ブリテン- British, スコットランド- Scottish, アイルランド-Irish, ウエールズ- Welsh, スペイン- Spanish, ポーランド-Polish, トルコ- Turkish, スウェーデン-Swedish.
4.  - ese ending adjectives for counties: 日本- Japanese, ベトナム- Vietnamese, 台湾- Taiwanese, 中国- Chinese, ポルトガル- Portuguese, マルタ- Maltese, レバノン- Lebanese.
5.  -i ending adjectives for countries: タイランド- Thai, イスラエル- Israeli, パキスタン- Pakistani, イラク- Iraqi, サウジアラビア- Saudi, アラブ首長国連邦(UAE) - Emirati.
6.  Other country adjectives: フランス- French, ギリシャ- Greek,  アイスランド- Icelandic,  スイス- Swiss, オランダ-Dutch.

*重要: 国名は、固有名詞である事を覚えていて下さい。それぞれの国名と形容詞を書く時は、いつも大文字になります。


毎週月曜日と金曜日のジェンの授業の動画は、こちらをクリックしてください。: https://www.youtube.com/c/JeNsJyugyouジェンの授業?sub_confirmation=1

英語で-EDと-ING形容詞を使用する方法: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxrRMrx7giQ

形容詞と副詞 Good VS Well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amPDs8EaJ-c

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