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Magic Bean-A Wanderer In Berlin (1)

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Damansara Performing Arts Centre - Black Box
20, 21 & 22 March 2015
The Wall of Menschen
Howling Volk Volk! In The Night
A Twisting Fall Of Thousand Words
In The Rhythm of Nacht Nacht!
This performance is a full length Contemporary Dance production, choreographed by Jack Kek in collaboration with German artist /musician Christoph Wirth. This project is a wrap-up performance upon Jack’s trip in Berlin, Germany on August 2014, where he found a lot of inspirations on the development of contemporary performing arts scene, the cultural specialties between Asia and Europe, and most importantly is the human relationships within different cultures and gender settings.
Jack got to meet a lot of different people during this trip, although those relationships were brief but no doubt that connections have been established, including the friendship with the owner of the apartment during his stay in Berlin. Jack decided to invite this special friend to Malaysia as a continuation of the encounter, who is the Music Artist of the project, Christoph Wirth.
Jack starts the choreography with a collection of ideas and experiences about Berlin, in form of solos and duets, which represents the wanderer and the different encounters that have occurred. Jack attempts to explore more movement possibilities within the context of Berlin impressions and collaboration creation with Christoph Wirth, reflects issues about humanities and relationships, eventually present a unique artistic experience to the audience.
《A Wanderer In Berlin》是一剧由马来西亚编舞者郭少麒,以及德国音乐家Christoph Wirth所联合打造的现代舞演出。此次的舞蹈呈现融入了德国一些当代表演艺术、文化和生活习性。这场舞蹈演出,源自郭少麒本人2014年8月在Goethe Institute的全资赞助下前往德国柏林参與Tanz im Berlin国际舞蹈节后,深受当地的文化气息和生活方式所启发,促使他對表演艺术有更深一层的思考,並将之转化为肢体语言,展现在《A Wanderer in Berlin》这支作品中。
旅德期间,從柏林围墙的历史厚度到日常生活的严谨自律,让郭少麒深深体会到亚洲和欧洲之间的文化差异,甚至人与人之间的关系也会因不同的文化背景和性别而有所不同。在这次的旅途中,郭少麒有机会结识了当地的音乐家 Christoph Wirth,也因为Mr.Wirth的关系促使郭少麒更加了解和融入了当地文化,从而启发他透過舞蹈形式將柏林的文化艺术气息带回大马,和大家分享这非言语间能形容的美好事物。
这场的舞蹈演出,不但描绘了郭少麒对德国柏林的深刻印象,而且在舞蹈的呈现方式上,透过柔美独特的肢体语言让来观众们体验不一样音乐舞蹈旅程。整场的演出,结合了亚洲和欧洲的表演艺术文化,不但能欣赏到舞者们的精湛舞技,而且也能欣赏到来自德国柏林的音乐家Christoph Wirth的音乐创作。
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