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Is He Seeing Someone Else? Signs You Need To Watch For!

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Is He Seeing Someone Else? 19 Signs You Need To Know

Have you ever found some evidence - a text or a note or something - and thought - Is he seeing someone else?

You might wonder if you're just being paranoid or "overthinking" things. But you can't deny, the evidence is there.

This situation is related to an email I got recently from someone:

QUESTION FROM A READER: "Is He Seeing Someone Else?"
Hi Carlos,

I have a suggestion for a topic for you to discuss ... and I am sure many woman including myself will benefit from it or have experienced this situation and fall short on what to do...

What if your guy suddenly has a friend of the opposite sex and they start hanging out frequently? I would say at least once a week and could chalk up to twice a week.

You don't know the background of this person, or how they met, who she is, what she looks like. He only provides very vague details of how they met just to shut you up.

There's no evidence of cheating yet but the fact that her background remains a mystery and the increased frequency they have been hanging out warrants for worry.

Should woman be worried and possibly try to restrict this in a nice way without him feeling like his freedom is lost?

Or what is your best advice to tackle this sticky situation?

- Carrie
Well, Carrie, in short, your instincts are right. It sounds like he is getting very interested in this woman.

I have to say that you actually do have evidence that he may be entertaining the idea of seeing this woman. The mere fact that he's giving you "very vague details" tells you he doesn't want you to know too much. Which means there's something afoot.

Why wouldn't he say more unless he was trying to hide something?

Besides the fact that I'm a man, and I've done this exact same thing before. (And don't think that women don't do the exact same thing to men!)

If this was really just a friendship, he should be aboveboard enough to have you meet his new "friend." And if you and him had a close-knit relationship, he should be eager to share details of this friendship to quell any anxiety you might have.

But obviously he's not that concerned about your feelings in the matter - or isn't thinking about them.

Of course there are two situations where this kind of "other woman" situation comes up:

You already have a relationship and a new woman shows up
You just started seeing a guy, and you suspect there's another woman in the picture (or maybe you are the other woman)

First off, let's talk about some of the signals you'll see if a guy you're dating is seeing another woman. This could be a new relationship or an old relationship.

Then at the end of this article I will tell you what you should do if you find out he's seeing someone else.

Let's go through some of the signs and signals here that he might be looking to see other women - OR already is:

Sign #1: "She" Isn't Respecting Your Relationship
Most women recognize what you did - that a female "friend" to a man is cause for concern.

There's been a lot of debate about this point, whether or not men and women can "just be friends." In my experience, and in almost every single situation I have ever seen, the truth is that straight men and women always have sexual tension between them. Even if there isn't natural attraction present.

What this means is that any woman that your boyfriend hangs out with is a potential threat. And you should keep your eye on that situation.

Not only this, if she's being a female "friend" and not respecting your relationship and that you would have a concern about her, that's a problem.

Let's face it, if she knows his situation and is choosing to hang out with him, she's got plans. Even if your boyfriend is not interested in her, it would appear that she must be interested in him.

Now of course there's a good chance that this "friend" doesn't know about you. Which means it might not be her fault at all. Most women respect the boundaries of a relationship unless they've been led to think otherwise.

But you should figure out what the story REALLY is!

Sign #2: He's keeping you a -

For the rest - watch the video!

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carlosdatingguru
Is He Seeing Someone Else
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