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FOR vs SINCE: How to use For and Since in English Grammar! + For or Since Quiz!

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I’ve been teaching English FOR 13 years. I’ve been teaching English SINCE 2009. Although both for and since help to talk about how long an action has been happening, they have different meanings and usages in English. For and since are commonly confused words in English, but by the end of today’s English lesson you will be able to use these two words naturally and correctly when speaking English.

How to use For: For is used to talk about the time span or duration of an action.
Ex: He has studied English for 3 years. She has worked here for 8 months.

How to use Since: Since is used to talk about the starting point or beginning time of an action.
Ex: He has studied English since 2019. She has worked here since last summer.

*Grammar tip: For and Since are used with the present perfect tense or present perfect progressive tense.
Present Perfect = Subject + Have / Has + Past participle + Object.
Present Perfect Progressive: Subject + Have / Has + Been + Verb + ing + Object.

After learning the differences between for and since, this lesson includes a short for vs since quiz. Test your understanding of for and since by correctly answering seven for or since questions.

By the end of today’s English lesson you will learn the differences between for and since which will help you to sound more like a native English speaker. Thank you for watching, “FOR vs SINCE: How to use For and Since in English Grammar!” I hope this English grammar lesson will be useful for you as you choose between for or since. Try to use for and since in your next English conversation to increase your English fluency. Good luck with your English studies!

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The Present Perfect: https://youtu.be/18LEPIKqfTQ

The Present Perfect Progressive: https://youtu.be/NebtZp402fQ

Some vs Any vs None: https://youtu.be/VN6dgSHELhg

Reasons in English - Since, As, Because, Because of, Due to: https://youtu.be/daVj_a7QuPo

Irregular Verbs: https://youtu.be/kPdyAK8My9A

???? English Grammar Textbooks:

Beginner Grammar - Focus on Grammar 1: https://amzn.to/39xxuBj
Upper-beginner Grammar - Focus on Grammar 2: https://amzn.to/2JBRYOu
* Intermediate Grammar - Focus on Grammar 3 : https://amzn.to/33FXS8q
Upper-intermediate Grammar - Focus on Grammar 4 : https://amzn.to/36zD18F
Advanced Grammar - Focus on Grammar 5 : https://amzn.to/3mKXzAo

???? English Vocabulary Textbooks:

English Vocabulary in Use Beginner: https://amzn.to/3okC1LI
English Vocabulary in Use Intermediate: https://amzn.to/37szkRo
English Vocabulary in Use Upper- Intermediate: https://amzn.to/2JCcXRg
English Vocabulary in Use Advanced: https://amzn.to/3qmgwM1

I’ve been teaching English FOR 13 years. I’ve been teaching English SINCE 2009. forとsinceは、両方アクションがどのくらいの期間行われているかについて話すのに役立ちますが、英語では意味と使用法が異なります。 forとsinceは英語でよく混同される単語ですが、今日の英語の授業の終わりまでに、英語を話すときにこれら2つの単語を自然に正しく使用できるようになります。

Forの使い方: Forは、アクションの期間について話すために使用されます。
Ex: He has studied English for 3 years.

Ex: He has studied English since 2019.

*文法のアドバイス: ForとSinceは、現在完了時制または現在完了進行形で使用されます。
現在完了= 主語+ Have / Has + 過去分詞+ 目的語
現在完了進行形: 主語 + Have / Has + Been + 動詞+ ing + 目的語。

forとsinceの違いを学習した後、この授業にはforとsinceの短いクイズが含まれています。 forまたはsinceの質問に7つ正しく答えることにより、forおよびsinceの理解度をテストします。

今日の英語の授業の終わりまでに、forとsince の違いを学びます。これにより、ネイティブの英語を話す人のように聞こえるようになります。 FOR vs SINCE: How to use For and Since in English Grammar! + For or Since Quiz!の動画をご覧いただきありがとうございます。この英文法の授業が、あなたがforまたはsinceのどちらかを選択するときに役立つことを願っています。あなたの英語の流暢さを高めるために次の英会話で使用するようにしてください。英語の勉強頑張ってください!



初心者レベルの方は、ここをクリック : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktdXyVCSbc80dNFbpnPauXn3xQ6xHf1Q

中上級レベルの方は、ここをクリック: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktdXyVCSbc8NrLoilBtwviDGZzVw5PVs
現在完了形: https://youtu.be/18LEPIKqfTQ
現在完了進行形: https://youtu.be/NebtZp402fQ
Some vs Any vs None: https://youtu.be/VN6dgSHELhg
英語における理由: Since, As, Because, Because of, Due to: https://youtu.be/daVj_a7QuPo
不規則動詞: https://youtu.be/kPdyAK8My9A

???? 素晴らしい英語のテキストブックーFocus on Grammar

初心者向けの文法: https://amzn.to/39xxuBj
初級文法: https://amzn.to/2JBRYOu
中級文法: https://amzn.to/33FXS8q
中上級文法: https://amzn.to/36zD18F
上級文法: https://amzn.to/3mKXzAo

???? 英語の語彙のテキストブック

初心者が使う英語の語彙: https://amzn.to/3okC1LI
中上級者が使う英語の語彙: https://amzn.to/2JCcXRg
上級者が使う英語の語彙: https://amzn.to/3qmgwM1

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