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Cold War II Coming Soon?

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*U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice warned on Sunday that it "would be a grave mistake" if Russian President Vladimir Putin intervened militarily in the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. Rice, who spoke on NBC's "Meet the Press," was among U.S. leaders saying they want to see a unity coalition government in the country after President Viktor Yanukovych fled Kiev, the capital, and a unanimous vote in Parliament removed him from power...Republican Sen. John McCain appeared on CBS's "Face the Nation" with strong words for Putin. A partition of Ukraine would "not be acceptable," McCain said...Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-New Hampshire, said there must be focus on forming a unity government. "Yanukovych needs to step aside, and I will say this: Now that the Olympics are over, we need to watch the behavior of the Russians," she said...* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

*Read more here from Ashley Fantz, CNN:
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