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Hey guys Bill here… Every hear the expression too good to be true… well, I’ve noticed a category of pictures that you guys are sending in that I like to call “too big to be true.” Take a look at these 5 and let me know what you think.
Number 1 is known as the big black dog and it was sent in by Sharon Davis. Sharon, if there was ever a case of too big to be true this is it. Despite stories about it being a scientific experiment, it actually turns to be a sculpture by artist Peter Coffin. It was exhibited at the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington DC. and lots of people liked getting their picture taken with it.
Number 2, submitted by Bodybuilding Is My Life, is a picture of a huge steer that looks like it is right out of a photoshop contest. But actually, it’s real. His name is Chilli and he was 2 meters or about 6 and a half feet tall. He weighed more than a ton, and lived at a animal sanctuary in England. Unfortunatey, he didn’t last long as the weight was too much for him to carry. But he is fondly remembered as a gentle giant.
Number 3 is this Giant Turtle sent in to me by Victor Yakubu and Kiwicake 359. It’s often posted in social media as the biggest turtle in the world but that claim is just false…. It’s a real turtle photographed on the beach in French Guyana by Laura and Paddy from England. But the fact that the turtle is much closer to the camera than the couple is, it makes it look much bigger than it really is.
Speaking of Epic size, how about this toad. It was sent in by Braden Okerlund who is very curious about whether it is real or not. Braden, I don’t know how to break it to you, this is a big fat amphibian fake. The picture, first posted on New Mexico’s Chiricahua Desert Museum’s Facebook. At first they claimed it was a 57 pound Sonoran Desert Toad, but then later admitted it was a hoax. They said they did it to spoof the many giant rattlesnake photos that were being circulated online.
Our last entry today go to this bull with what are claimed to be the biggest horns in the world. It was sent in by Tristan Landretsmith with a note that just said, Bill is this real or fake. Tristan, guess what. Not only is this thing real, but it really does have the biggest horns in the world. His name is Lurch and those horns measure in at 95 centimeters or about 37 and half inches. Unfortunately, Lurch died in 2010 but he was converted into a full body taxidermy by taxidermist Tim Dobbs.
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