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Check out cool experiments with magnets you should totally try! Let’s start from a simple experiment that will help you to make ferrofluid at home using 2 simple ingredients. To make this incredible experiment you will need oil and printer ink. In a bowl, mix printer ink with a small amount of vegetable oil and stir. Take a magnet and hold it close to the liquid and watch how the liquid is attracted to it. Take some matches and place a magnet near them. No reaction? Burn matches and try again. Burnt matches stick to a magnet. The next awesome and easy trick: place three glasses in a row and fill the first one with water, the second one with vegetable oil and the third one with syrup. Place several paper clips in each glass. Place a piece of glass over the glasses and take a magnet and place over each glass. Check out how differently paper clips move.
Have you ever known that grow crystals at home using salt? All you need is salt, water, and food coloring. Check out a cheap way to whiten teeth – mix salt with apple vinegar and clean teeth using a toothbrush. We share the clever way to clean very dirty makeup sponge: take a bowl with water, add 1 tbsp. of salt and place a sponge inside. Microwave for 2 minutes. Voila! You can easily clean French press from coffee stains using water and salt. If you prefer natural cleaners or simply have an allergy, clean a kitchen sink with a lemon half covered with salt.
In addition, you will find watermelon lifehacks and desserts made from watermelon. You will learn how to easily cut watermelon, how to serve watermelon for parties and how to cook the best dessert ever-Cola Watermelon!

00:09 Quick way to cut watermelon
02:04 Use Coke to clean a bathroom
02:24 Delicious chicken wings
06:28 Use salt to clean a French press
10:23 Magnet tricks

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