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23 Phone Phrases: How to have Formal English Phone Conversations! / 23の電話フレーズ:正式な英語の電話での会話をする方法!

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“Hello. JeN’s Jyugyou. This is JeN speaking. How may I direct your call?” Today’s English lesson will help you to speak English on the phone with confidence! You will discover how to have formal English phone conversations more fluently and learn over 23 business English expressions used when making telephone calls.

Making and receiving formal telephone calls in English can feel intimidating, but the phone phrases in this lesson will help! The following 23 English expressions for phone conversations included in this vocabulary lesson will help you speak English fluently, naturally, and confidently:

1. Hello?
2. Hello. (Company name). (JeN) speaking.
3. Hello. (Company name). This is (JeN) speaking. How may I help you?
4. Hello. (Company name). How may I direct your call?
5. May I please speak to ~ ? / Could I please speak to ~ ?
6. I’d like to speak to someone about ~
7. I am calling to ask / discuss / clarify ~
8. I just wanted to ask / discuss / clarify ~
9. I was just wondering ~
10. Could you please tell me ~ ?
11. May I ask who’s calling please?
12. I’m afraid that ~ is unavailable. Would you like me to take a message? / I’m sorry, but ~ can’t come to phone right now. Would you like to leave a message?
13. Could I please leave a message? / May I leave a message, please?
14. Could you take a message, please?
15. Could you please tell him/ her that ~
16. I’ll try again later, thank you. / I’ll call back again later, thanks.
17. Do you know when he/ she is going to be back?
18. When would be a good time to call back?
19. Sorry, could you please repeat that? / Sorry. could you say that again, please?
20. Sorry, I didn’t catch the last part.
21. Would you mind spelling that for me please?
22. Would you mind speaking up a bit please? / Sorry, it’s a bit loud. Could you please speak up?
23. Let me see if I got that right. / Let me just check to make sure I understand correctly.
*Bonus: Could you please speak slower? / Sorry, would you mind speaking a bit slower please?

By the end of today’s English lesson you will have learned useful vocabulary to talk on the phone in English like a native English speaker. Thank you for watching, “23 Phone Phrases: How to have Formal English Phone Conversations!” I hope this business English will be useful for you as increase your English fluency and speak on the phone with confidence in English. Good luck with your English studies!

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When speaking on the phone in English it may be necessary to make suggestions. Check out this English lesson on how to make suggestions in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GceMCylpGnc

For a lesson on phone phrasal verbs watch this lesson on common phrasal verbs for English phone conversations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4lqKJv5C9w




3. もしもし。(会社名)こちらはジェンです。どうなさいましたか?
4. もしもし。(会社名)。どちらにお繋ぎしますか?
5. 〜さんとお話しさせて頂きたいのですが。
6. 〜についてどなたかとお話しできますか。
7. 〜を尋ねたくて/〜を話す為/〜を明確にする為に電話しています。
8. ちょっとお尋ねしたい/ちょっと話し合いたい/ちょっと確認したい
12. すいません。その人は電話に出れません。御伝言を残したいですか。
14. メッセージを聞いておいてもらえますか
15. 彼/彼女に言ってください
16. また後で電話します。ありがとう。
17. 彼又彼女がいつ戻ってくるかご存知ですか。
19. すいませんそれを繰り返してもらえますか?
22. すみません、もう少し大きな声で話してもらえませんか?
23. それが間違いないか確認させて下さい


毎週月曜日と金曜日のジェンの授業を見逃さない為にチャンネル登録をお願いします: https://www.youtube.com/c/JeNsJyugyouジェンの授業?sub_confirmation=1

初心者の方はここをクリック: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktdXyVCSbc80dNFbpnPauXn3xQ6xHf1Q

中上級者はここをクリック: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktdXyVCSbc8NrLoilBtwviDGZzVw5PVs

どうやって英語で提案をするか: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GceMCylpGnc


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